Having worked in the fashion industry for many years Lee Oliveira decided to give it all up one day in exchange for a new life, living and breathing his passion...photography! Having very little experience and a lot of nerves, Oliveira embarked on a solo career taking street style snaps on the streets in Australia. Seven months down the line and Lee is doing really well, he has a successful blog and is being sponsored by Gloss Cosmetics in addition to taking the most amazing photographs of unique people and their style. Here is an interview I have done with him to enlighten you all about his work and to allow you to see what it is really like to be a street style photographer.
Fashion is "what's in" at the moment.. called "trend".
Style identifies who you are as an individual.
I don't really expect anything specific... I just find it! That individual style and a personality to carry their look. I can never plan what I am going to photograph.
When I find the connection between me and that stylish, person I must photograph her/him.
It depends where I am at or where I go. But I would say almost everyday.
Ps. I do stare at people sometimes on the streets, very few of them feel uncomfortable.. (but I don't stalk..hahaha)
Well, I have worked in fashion almost my whole life, but the photography kind of came to me naturally. I can't see myself doing anything different at the moment.
Big smile on my face.. and a good "hello there" to start with!
Be yourself when you blog. It's much easier than trying to be someone else. I have used twitter a lot which I find has organically promoted my blog with what I tweet about. In turn, I have forged some valuable connections along the way.
Feel inspired every time you blog and expect to work long hours every day to build a good blog. The best feeling is when you see readers coming back to your blog because they enjoy your voice.
My style is the same, clean and comfortable, But as you know in fashion we always find the next inspiration every six months. I don't really follow a trend if I don't love it.
When I became a photographer everything was digital but I still want to learn more photography in film.
Film is where everything began.
When I started my blog and photography I didn't know what direction I was going in. Now, I know exactly where I am at although I am still growing. I admire several street style photographers for having the courage to stop people on the streets and able to photograph them. There are many street style bloggers out there now. If you really want to shine you really need to have quality photographs and your own signature.
Bill Cunningham and Scott Schuman which I had the amazing pleasure not only to meet, but also able the photograph them when I was in New York for FW11.
Oh.. trick question...10 years ago I didn't know I would even think about becoming a fashion photographer.
I would leave my destiny to speak up for me.
?Don't forget to visit his website: http://www.leeoliveira.com/
?Check out some of Lee Oliveira's street style photographs below and make sure you check out his blog. You never know when you may be spotted to be the subject of one of his photographs haha. Lee Oliveira Street Style-November 2010 |
Lee Oliveira Street Style-March 2011 |
Lee Oliveira Street Style-February 2011 |